Monday, December 13, 2010

UTI's linked to High Heels... But ofcourse.

I swear..women get the short end of the stick.... we have periods, go thru labor pains, waxing and laser hair removal, stretchmarks, saggy ,now this......UTI's are now linked to wearing high heels!!!!!!....what next????? The news decided to ruin my life by letting me know wearing high heels are now linked to getting urinary tract infections...Which is BULL!!
According to some fancy ass doctor that studies piss, stillettos make your pelvis tilt forward which then puts pressure on sensory nerves in the spine which affects the way you pee and you dont empty your bladder all the way. The longer you have urine just chillin in your bladder it then becomes the hot spot for bacteria to breed resulting in UTI's and all the fun symptoms that come along with it...seriously...can we catch a break!! Heels are my life! The lady on the news suggested wearing heels that are  three inches  or lower.... Ewwww..! I'm 5'4, I need atleast 4!! A heel isn't a heel if it's less then three inches!! Im just gonna take off my heels when I pee and make sure I get every last drop out till my bladder is empty..How bout that DOC!!

1 comment:

  1. Hold're only 5'4"? I thought you were taller...
