Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thieves Steal Fake Leg WTFFF???

watch this link!!

I cant believe I reside here...I was getting ready to watch a movie with my sister and bff Oscar when this news story flashed acrossed my tv screen... some heartless, bastard ass, high, punk teenager stole some amputee woman's prosthetic leg from her front porch!
This poor lady now has to wear an 8 year old's fake prosthetic leg which she says hurts like all hell because its not the right size!!! A couple questions/thoughts come to my mind when I watched this news story...
1- Why on God's green earth would you put your $10,000 fake leg just chilling on your front porch?
2- What the hell is this stoned little kid going to do with this fake leg??
3- Is she sure the dog didn't run off with the leg??
4- This state is so backwards
5- Satan is going to have a special place in hell for this little eff!!!
6- She is going to be limping around for awile.. that sucks...

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